Tuesday, January 6, 2009

movies, movies, movies...

Catherine Frazier: It feels like someone kicked you in the stomach, feels like your heart stopped beating, feels like that dream, you know the one when you are falling and you want so desperately to wake up before you hit the ground but its all out of your control, you can't trust anything anymore, no one is who they say they are, your life is changed forever, and the only thing to come out of the whole ugly experience is no one will be able to break your heart like that again.


Dr. Pincus: Ok, this is shaping out nicely. Now, we've got narcissistic, obnoxious, pervert, who's rude to waiters! It's a good list!
Ghost Frank: I don't have to listen to shit.
Gwen: Disloyal.
Gwen: Yeah I think that's enough...
Ghost Frank: I didn't know you knew...

Gwen: You know the first time I met you? And then the next ten or twelve times after that, I thought, what a jerk! But then, I got to know you a little bit, right, and I convinced myself that I saw something human in you. You know, maybe he's just a little eccentric, needs a little work. But to use intimate details about my dead husband in order to get close to me or for God knows what other reason? That's unforgivable. You're sick.
Dr. Pincus: I love you.
Gwen: Don't call me.
Dr. Pincus [to Frank]: You lied! Why would you do that?!
Frank: Because you're a heartless son-of-a-bitch, who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself. [Pause.] She's already had one of those...
Mary: Remember when they said that you couldn't have it all? I believe we can have it all, you know. The question is, do we want it?
Sylvie: I don't want it all. I just want a really nice piece of it.
Mary: I don't want it either because it's exhausting.

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